CCUBE 2025

4th International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communication

Dear Researcher,

CCUBE 2025 - The 4th International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communication provides an excellent opportunity to work with experts, researchers, and scholars from across the world in the field of electrical engineering. A brilliant platform for delivering the most recent innovative research findings, as well as the most recent advances and applications in the field of electrical and communication technology.

About the Conference

CCUBE 2025 is jointly organized by Departments of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering, R N S Institute of Technology, Bangalore every 4 years. CCUBE 2013, 2017 and 2021 have been a great success. The conference is technically co-sponsored by lEEE Signal Processing Society, Bangalore, India. The past conference proceedings are published and available in lEEE Xplore digital library.


CCUBE 2025's mission is to develop and foster communication among scholars and practitioners in a wide range of engineering and technology fields. The conference will include invited speakers from globally renowned personalities, pre-conference tutorials/workshops, panel discussion and referred paper presentations. This conference enables participants to present research findings, share thoughts and ideas, discuss critical challenges in cutting-edge technology, and develop their professional and social networks. The conference believes in linking theoretical and technological advancements for academic and industry applications. The accepted and presented papers will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplorer.


Paper Submission Start Date July 1st 2025
Paper Submission End Date August 1st 2025
Notification for Acceptance of Papers August 30th 2025
Registration and Submission of Camera Ready Paper September 30th 2025
Conference Date October 24 to 25 2025

Call For Papers

    Circuits, Devices, VLSI
    1. Nano Technology
    2. Embedded Systems Design
    3. Analog Mixed Signal Design
    4. ASIC Design
    Sensors and IOT
    1. Wearable Sensors
    2. Data Analytics 3. Smart Agriculture
    4. Smart Cities
    5. Industrial IOT
    Special Tracks For The Conference
    1. IEEE SIGHT Humanitarian
    2. Women In Engineering
    3. Quantum Communication
    Signal and Image Processing
    1. Statistical Signal Processing
    2. Computer Vision
    3. Medical Imaging

      Antenna Communication and Networking

      1. Software Defined Radio
      2. Phased Array Antennas
      3. Wireless Body Networks
      4. Wireless Sensor Networks
      5. Optical Communication and Networks
      6. Antennas for 5G/6G Communication
    Control, Robotics and Automation
    1. Humanoid Robot Technology
    2. Nano Robotics
    3. Automated Guided Vehicles
    Power energy and Electric Vehicles
    1. Renewable energy and Sustainable Technologies
    2. Powerline Communication
    Computer Systems and Engineering AI
    1. Cyber Security and Block Chain
    2. Big Data, Distributed and Cloud Computing


Track-1 (Circuits)
1. IoT: Sensors, MEMS, Nano, Devices and Circuits
2. IoT Applications: Smart grid, Process instrumentation, e-health, Disaster management, Protocols and standards, Mobile and wearable devices, Innovative vehicular applications.
3. VLSI: Design, Fabrication, Testing, CAD, Embedded systems and SOC
4. Power Electronics, Smart Power electronics drives and applications, Renewable Energy sources
5. Electric Vehicles
Track-1 (Circuits)
Track-2 (Controls)
1. Control, Robotics and Acquisition
2. Power Systems and FACTS
3. Advanced Machines and Controls
4. Instrumentation, Robotics and Virtual Reality
Track-2 (Controls)
Track-3 (Communications)
1. Communication Network, Mobile Communication, MANET, VANET, Wireless Sensors Network, Web Services, Security, e-transaction
2. Optical, Satellite, RF and Microwave Communication
3. Signal Processing: Image, Audio, Video, Biomedical Signal Processing
4. Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Track-3 (Communications)


Delegate Authors
Student Members Professional Members Research Scholars
IEEE Members 7000 8000 7000
NON-IEEE Members 9000 10000 9000

CCUBE 2025
